photo & illustrations: m. charles

Boeuf Tortue on Ginger Sauce

  • Recipe : i . salva
  • Serves 4
  • This receipe is originally from the Comoros (a group of islands off Mozambique, Africa). Serve with white rice.

  • 2,2 pounds (1kg) beef, cut into1 inch pieces

    Tomato sauce:
    3.3 pounds of canned Tomatoes, peeled
    2 Eggplants, diced
    2 large Onions
    1 inch of fresh Ginger root, grated
    3 tblsp Tumeric
    1 knife point of Piments Lampion (hot chillies from the Antilles)
    0,5 oz of Butter
    5 tablespoons Peanut oil

    Ginger Sauce:
    6 Scallions
    3 Lemons, organic
    1.5 inch fresh Ginger root, grated
    1 cup Peanut oil
    Salt & Pepper

    For the Tomato sauce:
  • 1. In a large pot, heat oil and butter. Add sliced onions, braise lightly until transparent.
  • 2. Add tumeric, grated ginger and diced eggplants. Then add Piments Lampion.
    3. Stir, then salt and bring to a simmer for 15 – 20 minutes.
    4. Add tomatoes and mix until dissolved. Let simmer for another 45 minutes.

    For the Ginger sauce:
    1. In a large, bowl place grated zest and add the finely minced scallions.
    2. Add grated ginger, salt and pepper. Mix with peanut oil and lemon juice.
    3. Then place bowl into the refrigerator.

    Take the Tomato sauce and add some water in case it’s too thick.
    Bring sauce to a boil and add the pieces of meat. Boil for 2-3 minutes.
    Serve immediately.

    Place rice in a ring shape on plates and the meat within the ring. Pour the chilled ginger sauce on top. The contrast of the flavors and temperatures makes this dish très originale

  •  NO turtles were harmed for this recipe !

  • _____________________________________________________________________

    recipe: m. charles

    • There are two versions of this recipe. One is organic, the other is with regular cranberry juice and gingerale. Substitute the ginger extract with the gingerale and the wild cranberry juice with the regular cranberry juice.

    • 50 ml Ginger extract, fresh
      75 ml Preiselbeeren (Wild cranberry) juice
      75 ml mineral water, sparkling (Henniez Red)
      Squeeze of Lime juice
      Serve ice-cold!
      Ginger Extract:
      1. 8-9 ounces ginger root, peeled and chopped
      2. Place in a pot with 1,25 L of water and bring to a boil. Simmer for 60 minutes over low heat.
      3. Set the pot aside overnight.
      4. The next day: bring it again to a boil. Then, with a blender, puree well.
      5. Strain the liquid from ginger with a fine strainer and pour into an empty bottle. Keep the liquid in the refrigerator.



    Ginger Cinnamon Glazed Carrots
    recipe: a. hagan

    1 small bunch fresh Carrots, sliced thinly at an angle
    1 one inch knob fresh Ginger, sliced into five pieces
    1 1/2 tablespoons Honey
    1/2 tablespoon Butter, unsalted
    3 sticks Cinnamon
    1/4 cup flat leaf parsley, freshly chopped
    Vegetable stock, as needed
    Kosher salt, to taste
    Black pepper, freshly ground to taste

    1. 1. Combine all the ingredients in a large sauté pan.
    2. 2. Add just enough vegetable stock to cover the carrots.
    3. 3. Simmer over medium-high heat until stock is reduced and carrots are glazed, but not mushy.
    4. 4. Add more stock if carrots are not cooked to desired tenderness.
    5. 5. Remove cinnamon sticks and ginger.
    6. 6. Stir in parsley and season with salt and pepper.

    Serve immediately. This is a great recipe to add a little extra flavour to an everyday side dish.